This is a new word that I'm coining. It's pronounced, anna-kron-ickons
These are all the button symbols that confuse even old people like me, who are old enough to know that a letter goes in an envelope, a column (blog post) is written with a pencil, or on a typewriter, an ellipses (...) means "more" (actually, it means less, but whatever.) I don't know if they're cute or ironic or unimaginative or brilliant. But I do not associate "Pencil" with "new blog post." I get confused when I see a file cabinet with envelopes flying out of it (this is a button in Outlook). What do kids think when they see an icon labeled with a dial-phone, or a phone book, or a newspaper? Or a phonograph, for Pete's sake? They've never seen those things. Or a checkbook, a stamp, a letter opener, a calendar, or a post-it note. All that paper, pre-internet stuff.
Write. File. Call. Drink a martini. Take a taxi. Play a song.
You think a magnifying glass means "search." I think it means "make this larger so I can see it, or burn ants in the sunlight."
When everyone's got VR goggles strapped to their heads 24/7, it'll be so quaint to reach for the virtual phone and virtual typewriter to communicate with the other humans that we can't see standing two feet away.
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